Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

Something I've Found to be Wonderful....
...whether it's a book, idea, product, website, movie, etc.

It's an App for Today

Don't you just love it when you find out about some cool new thing?  I do.  This is why I am lucky to have my friend Molly.  She is up on many cool new things.  Last week I received a cute picture text from her that was labeled.  Now how did she do that?  Well, it's called "Smilebox".  The company actually has a cool website that can do a lot of other awesome things with your photos too. Check it out at  I am sticking with one cool thing at a time though!  So first be sure to check out their awesome app for iPhone.....

Look what I did!  I think it's so fun!

If you'd like to check out something else cool, click here to read what I love about Daily Mom Report.  Molly is one of the two geniuses behind this gem... so it's no wonder that she's up on what's all out there! Love ya Molls! Thanks again for the tip about Smilebox!

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