Friday, October 21, 2011

Family Friday

Chocolate's "Return"

On our family vacation to Disneyland, only one thing went wrong.  We accidentally left behind one of our daughter's favorite stuffed animals in our hotel room. Shoot!  It was a little pink pony that she named "Chocolate".  Why the name Chocolate for a pink pony? Well, we met a real live horse named Chocolate not too long ago, and ever since then Blake started calling her pony that too.

Chocolate's last whereabouts.  The circle is courtesy of my new Smilebox app. :)
Anyways, we realized this was not a major problem.  However, we didn't know how Blake would react. She has a lot of stuffed animals, but this was one she was more attached to. (Remember the elephants Him and Her? They are so last season.)  Well, we checked with the hotel several times, but Chocolate never turned up.  She must have just galloped off into the sunset with some other family! Talk about one silly filly! I am still a little shocked, but we are moving on. ;)

Luckily, Blake really didn't seem to miss her as much as we thought she would. Every now and then she would ask for Chocolate, and it was starting to get more and more frequent.  We just kept replying that we weren't sure where she was, and that we'd find her later. 

We know it wasn't necessary, but for around $10 we did find a replica and just ordered it.  Another reason I love Google!  I simply put in "pink corduroy stuffed pony" and found her within a couple minutes of searching.  Awesome!  "Chocolate #2" or "Chocolate the Second?" arrived last night.  

As you can see, Blake is happy that we "found" her Chocolate.

The swap went off without a hitch! Blake was thrilled to see her pony again! Chad and I went from panicked to stalling to relief.  Next trip we will be more careful. Wallet, phones, rings...check, check, check...Chocolate...double check!  

P.S. I love that my partner in crime, Chad, was concerned enough to make calls to the hotel for several days about this matter.  Also, that he considered buying more than one pony to have a back-up on hand. Haha!  I love you Chad!  Blake is a lucky girl to have a dad like you, and I am a lucky wife.  Looking forward to celebrating 5 years of marriage with this great guy tonight!:)

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