Monday, October 31, 2011

On A Mission Monday

Okay, so it's Monday!  Happy Halloween everyone!  Last week, was not really a weekly project by definition.  I gave myself a break from anything new to catch up on things I just kept putting off time and time again.  I actually did finally get some things off my checklist that have been way past due.  Appointments made for doctor and dentist.  Check and check! Left a message for a hair appointment, so real soon that will be in the works too.  I tend to put off things for myself.  Looks like this November I am attempting to get better with that.  Thank goodness!

Anyways, in the spirit of Halloween, I thought my mission for this week could be something spooky.  At least, spooky for me.  Again, it is not really a project this week.  It is more of a challenge. ....(sigh).... I need to find a babysitter.  Ahhhhhh! I know most people do not have a problem with this whatsoever.  Call me a freak, but I have been nervous (to say the least) to do this.  Now, our daughter has stayed with family and close friends a few times before, but we live across country from our family.  Anyways, she has not yet had a typical sitter that we are not related to, etc.  Excuses are long, but mainly I have not needed to get one. Chad and I have been on the same page with this.  We have "date nights" at home after our daughter is asleep or we take her out to sushi with us.  However, she is 2 1/2 years old(!) now.  We are going to test the waters and try for a dinner somewhere without her.  Starting with an afternoon playdate so our daughter can meet the sitter maybe, leading up to us with a dinner away, to hopefully a regular sitter that can be called when needed.

I said earlier "call me a freak", but please don't really...or at least not to my face. Haha!  Everyone has a fear of something.  This is one of mine.  Got any fears you'd like to face this week?  Kind of a spin on Halloween....tackle a fear rather than get all scared.  I know I've probably built this up too much.  It will be fine. Yada, yada, yada.  This week!  I'm putting it out there blog world!  I'm calling a sitter.  Hopefully calling and meeting a sitter.  Yikes!!!  

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!!!!!


  1. Love this post - I can TOTALLY relate to your babysitter anxiety. We don't have family in town either and have never left our 1.5 yr. old with a sitter, which leads to me packing in as many appts., mtgs., and the occasional "real" date night whenever family happens to be visiting! BUT, I was in a bind last week and so I bit the bullet and left her with a sitter for the first time. I was able to work it around her nap, though, so she never knew I was even gone, which I know doesn't really count, but baby steps, right?! You are definitely NOT a freak -- unless we both are! Ha! Good luck :) ~ Kathy

  2. Thanks Kathy! Happy to hear I am not alone! I am planning on calling today, but I have not yet picked up the phone to dial. Who knew this could be so difficult?! Thanks for speaking up. We'll get there eventually...I hope!;)
