Remember when I mentioned how I learn so much from reading other people's blogs? Well, today I thought I'd share something that I think is just so cool. A friend I met last year (but then who had to move away, boo-hoo) runs a business called Kate's Thoughts for Food. It's genius! I really feel like everyone should know about this, especially us moms trying to get dinner on the table each night! I'm going to list her website so you can check it out yourself too.
Is what it is, is a custom made meal plan for your family. You can include your preferences such as what ingredients you like to use, dislike, if you have allergies, even if your looking for low-fat, gluten-free, etc. She then emails you the recipes for whatever package you choose. You can get a single meal plan, a week plan, or even a month's worth of dinner recipes. Now you may be thinking you could just look those up yourself, right? Well, she takes the work out of it for you. She also puts together a grocery list for you to go with your meals. They are categorized and everything. You find yourself in the produce section, check the items off your list, and your moving on to the meat counter, the spices, dairy products, etc. You get where I'm going with this. She gets you organized and you don't have to figure out your week's worth of dinners because she has already done it for you. Again, genius!
On her website she also has a blog, where today she discusses baby food. I follow her on Facebook and Twitter. I just can't say enough good things about her and "Kate's Thoughts for Food". It reminds me I need to get some more recipes from her myself. I have reused what I bought from her before because so many of them were real winners that I now make all the time. Oh, almost forgot to mention how affordable she is! Only $5.00 for a week plan! Check it out! http://www.katesthoughtsforfood.com/
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