Well, the past couple days have just been zooming by. We celebrated Blake's 2nd birthday on Sunday. Her actual birthday was yesterday on Monday, so she had a 2-day celebration. Felt about right, 2 days to celebrate 2 years. We probably won't keep that up.....the day to year ratio thing, but it worked this year just great. We had her birthday party at Boingo's, a nearby bounce house. It was just perfect for us. We were lucky to be joined by some great friends. There was bouncing and pizza and sugary sweets. The kids all had a blast, and it was easy for us hosting too. All we really had to do was show up, and their staff took care of set-up and clean-up. Awesome. We did bring the Olivia cake and Olivia party favors (Blake's favorite cartoon pig), but the rest was pretty hands off. We were able to just enjoy the party with Blake and our guests. A moment that I will never forget is when I stepped away from our guests for a moment, and I crawled into this little tunnel that Blake was playing in. She seemed just so thrilled I was getting in there with her. She started just giggling and clapping. When I went to crawl out, I heard her say "gain, gain, mommy", which is "again, mommy". So back in I went. More smiles and giggles, and then she leaned in and gave me a big smooch. Complete with "mmuuahhh" and said "love you mommy". Melt my heart. Seriously every time I picture it, it just melts my heart. I would have thrown the entire party just to have that little moment in time.
So another year is already in the memory books. Sad in a way. She is at such a cute age. I kind of just want to freeze time for a bit. However, I can't wait to get to have longer conversations with her about anything and everything. I'm excited to see her personality develop more and get to know this slightly older version of my daughter. Baby Blake is now Toddler Blake. Tears well up in my eyes just thinking about that. We can't go back from here, and overall that is okay. I truly feel when we make the most of the moment, it is easier to move on to the next ones. Sure some moments are frustrating with little ones, but we roll with them the best we can. It's moments like in the little tunnel that I will tuck away forever, and the good news is that we have many more special moments waiting for us up ahead.
Happy Birthday to Blake! Looks like it was tons of fun! It is amazing how fast it goes, isn't it? But the best part is getting to watch them grow into themselves. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Tasha, what a great blog, I really enjoyed your writing, you are a very talented writer. I always wished I had written down in a journal all the crazy cute things Kyle had said to me when he was about two, three, four, five years old. I can't remember any now, but writing them down and saving them somewhere on paper, will give you a lot of pleasure later. Toddlers say the cutest things, wait until you get to the question phase, 1000 questions a day. Why is the sky blue mommy? Their little brains are in hyperdrive and supercurious and growing so fast. The brains grow fastest from birth to three years old, so the more information they can ingest the better. Enjoy your little girl. Theresa
ReplyDeleteThank you both so much! I just noticed these comments. I am still navigating how to use my own blog fully. Your comments just made my night! I'll have to keep my eye out more often to make sure and not miss any others. Thanks again!