I'll admit it. I am in a bit of a blog smog. As someone new to blogging I am not sure what direction to take. Do I just write about what I've been up to? Inform you of something new and cool? Vent or get all deep thoughts on you? Make a little joke? I am not really a good joke teller. Hmmmm.....I am finding it is always hardest to get going on this again each Monday. I think I will find my niche with my blog, but until I do, here is what I got right now.
This weekend we got out and about with our girl Blake. Her schedule keeps getting busier and busier these days it seems. On Saturday we went to a local coffee shop, Rebekah's Espresso, for a children's story time. There was coffee (for us adults) and fabulous cupcakes (for all). Blake loved it! She half listened and half explored the place. There were puppets too and that really got her attention. We'll definitely go again. Who doesn't like coffee, cupcakes, and something for the kiddos? On Sunday, Blake did her first real Easter egg hunt. This time last year she wasn't even walking yet. Well, that was then, and this is now. She ran from egg to egg with a mission declaring each color she came upon. Pink egg! Green egg! Yeow egg! Makes me want to have random Easter egg hunts in our backyard year round! Maybe we'll do something similar, but save the eggs for Easter. Yep, feeling an idea for a new game stirring around in my head. Some sort of scavenger hunt maybe.
Us adults just enjoyed the kid time, but squeezed in the things we love too. Chad grilled his famous ribeyes. De-lish! His dad's recipe that Chad just perfects more and more each time. Another night I made my old stand-by Mexican Lasagna. It's one of Chad's favorites though and with The Pepper Plant hot sauce on it, it goes up a notch. His dad got us hooked on this hot sauce. I don't even like hot sauces and I LOVE this stuff. I think we were missing his dad a lot this weekend as well, because both of those meals reminded us of him. If you can find The Pepper Plant hot sauce near you, get it! I like the chunky garlic one the best. Never would have guessed that...ever! Now I'm craving it again. Guess I'll have to figure out tonight's dinner around that addicting hot sauce. ;)
We rented some movies too. Lil Fockers, The Tourist, and Black Swan. Lil Fockers was funny, although not really about the lil ones. The Tourist was probably okay, but I fell asleep to it..... both times I attempted to watch it. Black Swan was weird and artsy-fartsy, but good for a weird artsy-fartsy movie. Good acting, great dancing, but not for for everyone. Mom, you would not like it.
Well, I guess that is my weekend review. You may be thinking "Why do I care what you did?" and that is just fine. Again, I am in a blog smog. I'll try to get a bit more creative with this or inform you all of something really cool. I'm just still working on what that will be though. For now, get the The Pepper Plant hot sauce and go for an egg hunt with a toddler. It does make for a great weekend. Although after writing about coffee, eggs, and garlic hot sauce, I feel like I need to go brush my teeth! Bada-bing! Yeah, I'll stay away from the jokes. :)
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