Don't you just love Google? What would we do without it? I know it's not going to solve any major world problems or anything, but it sure can help with some of the little problems in my world. Just thought I'd share two recent solutions I found by using Google that maybe you all could use too.
1. Oops! I accidentally deleted a voicemail I wanted to keep on my iPhone. What to do? What to do? Accept that it is gone or go to Google. I googled "retrieving deleted voicemail from iPhone" . Boom. It takes me right to ehow.com and my problem is fixed. I realize you all know how Google works, it just still fascinates me how you can Google just about anything. Anygoogle, here's what to do. Simply go to your list of voicemail messages. Scroll down to the bottom of your saved messages, and there it will say deleted messages. If you're like me, you save them all so scroll all the way down. At the very bottom of the list it will say deleted messages. Tap on that. A list of your last deleted messages will appear. Then tap on what you want and hit the "undelete" gray button at the bottom. Now it will be back on your saved message list. Leave it to Apple to also have a simple solution that you don't even realize how easy it is until it's right in front of your face and always has been.
2. In another moment of "shoot, what do I do about that?", I turned to Google. Get ready this is important stuff. Haha! No, not even close, but again you may find it useful. I was baking chocolate chip cookies and then realized I was out of vanilla extract. I'm half way through the whole process, and thinking maybe I'll just leave it out. I can already hear Chad chuckling because I am known to just omit ingredients I either forgot to buy or ran out of. Anyways, Google to the rescue! It took me to several sites that informed me you can substitute maple syrup. If your recipe calls for 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, just put in 1 tablespoon maple syrup. I've done it a couple times since and they taste exactly the same!
Well, this was a random post. I don't know, maybe you smarties already knew this. However, now we can all rest easy accidentally deleting our messages while eating maple syrup in our cookies. :)
seriously! like i said... google is god, target is heaven. :)