Okay, so the other day I wrote about Dr. Dobson and Family talk. Well, something else I LOVE that I found through those resources is Focus on the Family. Dr. Dobson wrote of it in his book (because he used to be President of the organization) and I have a good friend who also shares my love for Focus on the Family. Maybe many of you already know of this, but I just discovered it this year. It is something I wish everyone knew of, so I thought might as well plug it on my blog!
Now, they have a website www.focusonthefamily.com where you can find all this organization has to offer. The real treat I believe is their podcasts! If you have an iPhone, you are in luck. The app is FocusDaily and I try to listen to it everyday. If you don't have an iPhone or phone that can download their podcasts, then it is all on their website. I just love having it on my phone because I can listen to it while I am putting on my make-up, folding the laundry, or with Chad over breakfast. Please download this and check it out if you are interested! Everyday is a 30 minute discussion on a topic usually relating to relationships, marriage, life challenges, parenting, and faith. You can listen through your phones speaker, pause it, get back to it later. The app saves about two week's worth so just download it and then pick later what you want to hear. I find that often a title may not appeal to me directly necessarily, but once I begin listening it is very interesting and applies in some way or another. It is always makes for a good conversation topic and I like hearing Chad's opinion on it too. Anyways, I guess you have to check it out to see what you think yourself. It's worth it though. Very uplifting and thought provoking!
Oh, and they also publish Thriving Family magazine, which I love. Also, they have affiliate websites that I have been meaning to check out such as www.pluggedin.com for entertainment reviews for the concerned parent and www.citizenlink.com for family news. Seriously, there is so much quality stuff. Hope you like it! Download the FocusDaily app today if you can....today's podcast is "Surviving the Strong Willed Child". I can see this one being useful as we enter the 2's and later for those teenage years! Have a great day everyone!
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