Hi! Okay, so I'm back after my first day of making my blog more public. It was a lot of fun yesterday to read all the supportive comments! So much so that now I don't really know what to follow up with. Ha! I know a blog doesn't have to go in a sequence or anything, and believe me, mine probably won't. However, I was thinking about the sentences I wrote yesterday of someone who does it all, and that I may work towards achieving that for someday. Well, that just got me to thinking of how much pressure we put on ourselves to do it all. "We" as in women. Don't get me wrong, guys do their part too. I am not going to man bash on here or anything. It's just in general, women tend to juggle more and then analyze their juggling. I don't hear many men say "I feel I can't keep up with everything". I really don't see men give much thought into analyzing anything they do for that matter. They just do something or they don't. It's probably why men and women balance each other out nicely. Before I go all Carrie Bradshaw on you, let me continue...
So I decided I am going to post something as I said I would. I am not a Type "A" personality. I am not going to stress over what to write today....just keep my word in posting something. So often I hear people brag if they or someone they know is a Type A personality. Then, I hear people say....well, like I myself just did...."I am not a Type A personality" or "so-and-so is not an A personality". Since when does everything have to be compared to the "A's"? I really thought I was going to get on here and just write that here is my post and I am proud to be a Type B personality. So I looked up the definition to give my post some oomph. Haha! Here is what answers.com defined a Type B personality as......"A form of behavior associated with people who appear free of hostility and aggression and who lack a compulsion to meet deadlines, are not highly competitive at work or play, and have a lower risk of heart attack." Well, good, I thought! Digging further I read that B types are also major socializers and need to be the center of attention and not spend time alone. This is so not me! I like to hang out with people, but I would not say I am a go out and do stuff with others all the time kind of person. Anyways, in my research (starting to sound a little "A" here), I found that there are Type C people as well. They are detail oriented. Also, Type D people who seem to always be distressed. What the heck! I don't think anyone is defined solely by these traits. I think I'm just going to wrap this one up today and let it b! :)
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