Awesome. Day two in my week back into blogging and I'm a no-show. Ha! I should have known better. I challenged myself to write at least something each day, and I already goofed that up. Oh well! I was too busy yesterday. Too busy taking a trip down memory lane! I posted a ton of old dance pics on Facebook. Memories started coming back throughout the day as people starting commenting on them. I've got to say Facebook can be fun. I know some people think it's silly or a little self centered. I guess the same can be true for a blog, huh? Although, I think it is really all just in the way you look at it. Who says we can't be silly and fill people in on what we've been up to? The only thing that bugs me about others on Facebook is when all they do is post complaints or display only glamour shots of themselves as profile pics all the time. Occasional glamour shots are okay with me. ;) Other than those things, it's one of the greatest inventions ever. I know I really enjoy keeping up with all those I have met over the years. It would be impossible to pick up the phone and/or visit everyone and still keep up with my very own life! I have laundry to do people! Along with a house to clean and a toddler to chase, I can't even even keep up on my own blog. Haha! Well, truth be told, again that is because I was on Facebook. However, my child was napping and it was something fun for me to do in my spare time.
Okay, so enough with the excuses of what I was doing yesterday. Today I am back. Back on the old blog. Something that has been on my mind lately....how do you (meaning anyone) keep up with it all? I don't think anyone ever truly can. If your house is spotless and every article of clothing is clean.....you either are paying someone to do it for you or some other area in your life is not getting as much of your time. I seriously would love to know how some people do their daily routine. You know the ones. The mothers of 3 or 4 kids who have clean houses, in-shape bodies, well-adjusted socially and active children, fabulous dinners on the table, while working a full-time job outside the home along with being a full-time mother (every mother is), and obtaining that extra degree in something on the side when they are not tending to their hobby. I should add while keeping all their relationships with others and sanity intact. Oh, there are some out there who seem to pull it off. I am not there...yet. Maybe someday, right? It is something to work towards. That is something I love about reading others' blogs. It gives you insight into their lives. Other ways of doing things. New ideas. I pick up everything from recipes, to websites to check out, parenting ideas, funny stories, a little venting to see that people are still normal, to the "latest thing" which is apparently laundry balls. Yes, laundry balls. Thanks Stacia! I'm going to check it out! Apparently you never have to buy dryer sheets again, etc.
Okay, back on track! You get where I'm going with this. We can all learn a lot from one another. I feel like I am rambling again a bit. Where I am going with all this is....we all have a lot to do... and a lot we want to do. Not only are we trying to get it all done, we try to record it too, right? Scrapbooking, photo albums, journals.....it can all be overwhelming. Well, I found this "new thing" myself. It's a little journal called "One Line a Day". A journal where there is one calendar day on each page with 5 sections of lines. You write down one line for the day. Now, I'm using this a kid memento thing. Something Blake did, said, etc. When you fill your year, you start over. Thus, having 5 years of what occurred on that same date on each page. Cool, huh? I got mine on Amazon.com. I also got one for Chad too in a more simple manly color. I figure he can do the same...from the dad's viewpoint. He can then take it with him when he leaves for work. Maybe he can say what he did that day, or a letter he will get from Blake, a video he will see of her, etc. Ta-da!!! I am blogging and letting you all know of something new and cool myself! Oh, and you don't have to have kids to do this one. I figure everyone can jot down an "up" or something from their day. Okay, enough plugging a product. I really do have laundry (pre-laundry balls) and stuff like that to tend to. No one gets it all done while living on the computer! Toodles! Oh, and I really plan on being back tomorrow...even if it's just one line for the day! ;)
cute idea for the line a day thing... gonna have to check that out!