Alright, it's Monday, and here I go back to blogging! I'll admit I was a little stumped on what to write, and also overwhelmed with lots of topics as possibilities. Do I recap what we've been doing lately? Do I just pick up from here? Well, these days have been a mix of both ups and downs. I guess life has a funny way of doing that, huh? I've decided I am going to highlight the "ups". Yesterday was a wonderful "up" day for our family. We started out with pancakes for breakfast. Always an up. I love lazy Sunday mornings. No rush to be anywhere, and a whole day to spend as a family.
In the the afternoon, we went to the Fresno zoo. Wow! We all had so much fun! It was a sunny day and still cool enough to see active animals in each exhibit. No animal was just laying there trying to beat the heat. It was like a little show was being put on for just us wherever we went. We saw the the whole sha-bang of zoo animals. There was a mommy orangutan with her baby clutching onto her. We got to feed little branches to a big giraffe. Sea lions met us on the other side of their fence and had a few things to say to us. This was by far our favorite moment of the day...not Blake's though. She did not like their barking or the way they looked. Chad tried to tell her "Mr. Seal is nice. He is just saying hi." However, Blake shook her head in a "no" and wanted away from him, saying "no, sorry, Mister Seal". Adorable!
We came home to a great dinner (I must say I occasionally impress myself). Blake went right to sleep after an eventful day. Chad and I finished our 4 day game of Axis and Allies. Yes, I said 4 day. He wanted me to learn this board game. I am not great at it. I would not say I love the game. However, it was something new for us to do together. Last night we also figured out how to listen to a playlist on our TV while it displayed random pics from our photo library. While finishing the game and sipping wine, we watched everything roll up the screen. Everything including us before we were parents, to life with baby, to moments with a toddler, relative visits with those still with us and those no longer here, vacations, lazy mornings in our pj's, different houses, different cities, puppy pics, dog pics, car pics, flying jet pics, snow falling, flowers blooming, and the list goes on.
It totally reminded me of one of my favorite James Taylor songs called "The Secret O' Life".
"......The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time . Any fool can do it. There ain't nothing to it. Nobody knows how we got to the top of the hill, but since we're on our way down, we might as well enjoy the ride......Isn't it a lovely ride. Oh, my my yes. See me sliding down and gliding down. Oh. Try not to try too hard. It's just a lovely ride....."
While reflecting over the pics of our life together, and taking the time to enjoy the moments of the day, I felt I was enjoying the secret of life indeed. Blog post complete. Maybe a little rambling....maybe a little deep....but first blog post back complete.
A full cup today. :)
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