Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hello! Just getting a quick little hello out to anyone who may read this from time to time. It's been a crazy past couple of weeks to say the least. Not even sure where to start with getting back into blogging. I am busy lately, but it's a good busy. A really good busy. More to hello and see you back here soon!:)


  1. You are an amazing woman and we are all so lucky to have you in our lives :)
    Glad to see your blogs up, they are little pieces of sunshine like you!

  2. Tracy! I love ya! Thank you so much. What a nice compliment....little pieces of sunshine. That just brightened my day! So are you by the way. You are radiant. So happy for you and proud of how successful you are. I miss our nights back at Fatty's from time to time. Someday there will be a reunion though that we hopefully all can make! :)
