Well, Blake and I have been on the move today! It is safe to say we are in love with Bob....our new BOB jogging stroller that is. We have been getting out quite a bit for a walk/jog throughout our neighborhood lately. However, on Sunday morning we found that BOB's back two wheels were both flat. Yes, the tubes were completely deflated due to some thorns, and so were our spirits. Blake sobbed when I had to take her out. We were ready to roll people! We had our sunscreen on, water, good music along, and then waaa waaa.....game over.
Well, today we were back at it and it felt great! This is a picture taken at the furthest point out from our house on the path we take. It also happens to be my favorite spot. I love the curve of the sidewalk ahead and the pretty trees that hang above with the sunlight filtering through the leaves. It makes for an enjoyable destination when we get out there. As we were moving along, I couldn't help but think how much more enjoyable this June was compared with last year's. I mean last June had it's perks. We did have a beautiful 2-month-old baby girl to love. However, June '09 had it's downs too. I recently came across last year's June calendar. I counted 13 times I had to go to the doctor in that month alone due to that darn infected blood clot I got after my C-section. That is including a three day hospital stay after having it removed. I was told what happened to me was HIGHLY uncommon. In fact, my doctor said he had never seen anything like it in his 30 years of practice. Lucky me.:)
Anyways, my point is that I am just enjoying moments like this morning to their fullest. Life can be so good when you're feeling good! So last year we were slowly going through what curves life was throwing at us, but we just kept on going. Now I am running with the curves and under the gorgeous green leaves with the sunlight overhead. I love hearing Blake laugh when I pick up the pace and seeing her smile when I take a peek to check on her. My new snazzy I-pod is filled with
what I believe to be the "greatest play list
ever", and it helps keep us moving along. If only I knew then how great I would feel today. It makes me wonder what is further down our path. The good and the bad, we'll go through it together. For right now though, we are just enjoying the ride as we roll along rocking to the beat!